Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Book Review: Eat, Pray, Love

I just finished reading "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. It took me about a month and a half to read this book - not because it's a difficult read, but because, well, I'm a mom. 

My favorite character in the book is Richard from Texas. I found myself laughing out loud a little every time he refers to Liz as "Groceries" because of her ability to out-eat everyone else. I don't know why that's so humorous to me, but his character made reading this book even more enjoyable. 

While reading this book, I had a few moments where I had to remind myself that it's a true story. The experiences Liz had while on her year long hiatus were emotional. It's nice to live vicariously through literature sometimes. Not that I have any intention of living in an Ashram in India for four months, or desire to have any of the horrible things happen to me that led her to take her journey, but the Italian food binge doesn't sound half bad. And traveling... I'm jealous of her travels.

If you have not yet read this book I suggest you add it to your list of reads. It's a good one. Now I can finally watch the movie. 

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