I am a happily married mama to one incredidly loveable little girl. I'm a semi-retired preschool teacher turned graduate student. I miss working with kiddos everyday, but love staying home with my little girl.
I love to create new things for my babe and my home. I'm becoming wildly addicted to craft blogs and have an ever expanding list of things I want to make. I learn new things everyday, but still consider myself an amateur when it comes to crafting. I like to cook and love to bake even more. Reading is something I wish I did more of.
I want to be a mother, teacher, photographer, baker, traveler, author and run a non-profit to provide kids with more of life's greatest joys. Perhaps one day I can do it all. As for today, I'm a mom and I'm right where I want to be.
Nug Buns' Schedule:
Mama Madness Monday - I'll share a moment from my sometimes chaotic life
Tutorial Tuesday - I'll share something I've made and show you how I made it
Whatever Goes Wednesday - I'll share a recipe, project, good read, whatever pops up...
Fabulous Finds Friday - I'll share with you something great that I've found thrifty or sale shopping, on the side of the road or at a garage sale
Sleepin' In Saturday - O.K. not really, I go to school for 8 hours every Saturday (working on my Masters in Teaching), so I won't be blogging on Saturdays
Surprise Sunday - Well, I guess you'll just have to read and find out ;)