Sunday, January 23, 2011

You're Not Gonna Believe This

Like I mentioned before, we returned home from a trip to the east coast last week. Luckily, flying with an 8-month-old was pretty uneventful. She did great on the plane. No ear popping issues to be "heard" of. It was rather pleasent, actually, which was a great relief since getting to the east coast was a nightmare. Some of our travel highlights that day include seven hours in the airport before even leaving, an overtired baby, running out of diapers, Nug crawling around on the nasty airport floor and the airline loosing my car seat. With that said, I was so thankful that coming home was a breeze.

We made it to Seattle with no problems. Flights were on time, baby was happy, mama was happy. Then, my heart was broken. While waiting for our baggage, and juggling a baby, diaper bag, purse, and camera bag something terrible happened. I dropped my camera bag. Ahh! I was too scared to open and see if anything broke, so I just picked it up and put it back on my shoulder. Then, I actually kind of forgot about it. 

The next day, when I went to get my memory card to upload pictures from our trip, I noticed that the lens cover was sort of crooked. Then it dawned on me that I had dropped it the night before and I thought that was the extent of the damage. Oh no! I took the lens cap of to find a shattered lens. (Insert gasp here!). It quickly became a sad, sad day. No camera = no pictures of Nug, no pictures to upload to my blog. Crap. 

I started checking online for replacement lens' and since I've never bought one before (my camera is only one year old), I didn't really know exactly how much they were. The cheapest I found one for is $166! Now I'm realizing that actually might be a steal, but it's still hard to cough up that kind of dough. So, I'm currently without a lens until I either a) stop being cheap or b) o.k. I guess a is the only option. Double crap. 

My beautiful plan of becoming a more regular blogger this week is shattered by life. I will continue to post, not sure about what yet, but I will. And hopefully soon I'll have a new lens so I can take pictures. Maybe in the meanwhile I'll do some research on taking better pictures, because I kind of suck. 

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