Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Homemade Holiday 2010

One of my best childhood friends, who still lives up in Alaska, hosted a "Knit for the Needy Marathon" this past weekend. She and a bunch of friends got together and knitted from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Everything they made will be donated.

I was so inspired by this idea (and bummed that I couldn't attend) that I decided to do something similar here in Washington at my place. The first annual Homemade Holiday Party was born.

Here's what was made:

We certainly did not stay up until 8 a.m. (my friend doesn't have kids), and we spent more time talking than crafting, but we still did manage to get some small gifts together.

I will be dropping our goodies off at Tree House today. Tree House is family housing at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital. Families whose children are in the NICU or PICU at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital stay at Tree House when they can not stay in their own home each night. I wanted to reach out and bring Christmas cheer to these families because I simply can not image having a sick child, and even worse, having a sick child and not being able to spend the holidays at home. I hope these small gifts bring a smile to the faces of the families at Tree House.

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